Thursday, March 17, 2011

[3] Water for Elephants

By Sara Gruen

Two things. No, I haven't finished Life of Pi. Yes, I suckered myself into reading this because I saw a preview for the movie.

That being said, I should point out that I have never bought a book with the "movie" cover (except for maybe ONCE at the airport). I've made it a point to let people believe I'm reading a book because of how great the novel is, or how outstanding the author writes not just because there's a movie coming out starring Rob Pattinson. (Even though I really am.)

Well, that's not really fair. I've been wanting to read this book for awhile. It was on my reading list - I just bumped it up a bit after seeing the movie previews. I know I'm going to want to see the movie, and I also know that I want to read the book before I see it. The book is always better than the movie.

Alright, enough justification.

There's something about that classic Guy Loves Girl But Can't Have Girl storyline that ropes me in every time. In a 1930's circus setting, I knew there was going to be some animal abuse that I wasn't sure I could stomach - and there was, but what got to me more was the old man/young man viewpoints of Jacob. GOD, old men make me sad.

I don't want to give too much away so I'll leave it at this. I started Life of Pi almost a month ago, and although it's a beautifully written novel (so far, I'm only on chapter 4) Water for Elephants was another one that I couldn't put down and finished in a few days.

I shouldn't even point out that I just finished book 3 when I should be on book 6.5. Thirty books in one year is turning out to be harder than I thought.

Next up: Life of Pi (for real this time)

1 comment:

  1. i *almost* read this while i was away this week, but instead i read "a walk in the woods" and "the alchemist." both i will highly recommend to you. at any rate, this book is next up on my to read list!
